
The self-care program supports long-term weight management

The program is suitable for those who want to get started with lifestyle changes and integrate habits that promote your wellbeing as a part of your daily life.

The self-care program for weight management is a free program that is open to all and can be entered without a referral, but requires registration and logggin in using strong authentication. The program consists of eight segments that are designed to be completed over an eight-week period.

Since extra pounds often accumulate over months and years, the core idea of the program is that you should take your time with lifestyle changes as well. Diets do not consider this. When you quickly lose weight on a strict diet, you will not have enough time to learn how to control cravings, for example.

The self-care program period for weight management will involve reviewing ones current situation, setting goals that suit ones daily life and support weight management.  Program teaches about topics relevant to weight management, such as flexible dieting. The program includes content in the form of text, reflection tasks, exercises, videos, audio recordings and other materials.

Lifestyle changes take time

During the self-care program period for weight management, it is possible to
- practice habits that promote your wellbeing and health
- set weight management goals that suit your daily life
- evaluate your life situation and capabilities
- receive tips and ideas that support your wellbeing

The idea behind the self-care program is that the best way to maintain a healthy weight is to find long-lasting habits that fit into ones daily life. Instead of dieting, one should set  goals for lifestyle changes that are reasonable and suitable. There is no need to push oneself too hard or refuse things completely when weight management is flexible. 

Benefits for both clients and professionals

The self-care program for weight management is suitable for anyone interested in lifestyle changes and weight management. Professionals can utilize the program for guided self-care, for example by arranging appointments or phone calls with the client for the program period. The appointments or phone calls may involve discussing the tasks and exercises of the program.

Furthermore, the program can be used to evaluate whether the Healthy Weight Hub’s year-long Healthy Weight Loss Coaching could be suitable for the client. Below are several expert opinions on the program.

"The texts were easy to understand. All the topics were brought up clearly: nutrition, physical exercise, sleep and how to affect psychological factors. Understanding the big picture."

"The exercises that made you evaluate your current situation and think about your possibility for lifestyle changes were useful."

"The section concerning mental health skills contained a lot of important information on mental health. Talking about long-term lifestyle changes is a positive thing."

The self-care program will be improved over time based on feedback.

Facts and statistics

Overweight and obesity obese can worsen quality of life and have serious health consequences. Weight loss promotes well-being and prevents various obesity-related diseases.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975.
• In 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight. Of these over 650 million were obese.
• 39% of adults aged 18 years and over were overweight in 2016, and 13% were obese