Existing Health Village Services

Digital Health Village has scaled nationally in Finland and currently, it consists of 32 hubs for different patient groups, such as Joint Hub, Cancer Hub, Heart Hub, Rehabilitation Hub and Surgery Hub. Over 10 percent of citizens in Finland visit hubs monthly.

There are also about 400 digital care pathways offering the patient views and instructions for various treatment phases as well as self-care and rehabilitation programs information for patients and serving as a communications channel with the treatment unit. They are used by 70–80 percent of the patients for whom they are designed.

Health Village virtual Hubs 

Virtual Hubs are vast libraries of healthcare related information and service. The information is written by healthcare professionals and peer reviewed by patient associations, peer support person and experts by experience. As opposed to many similar web sites, the information is written for general public avoiding medical terminology.  

The services in the Hubs are anonymous and include for example chatbots, triage for acute care, acute care queue status and service directories. 

My Path and Digital Care Pathways

My Path service channel allows customers to interact online with a treatment facility and provides support for self-care. Self-care may be linked to self-care programs or digital care pathways for specific patient groups. Some of the self-care program are open to all, while some are designed solely for patients receiving care.  

A digital care pathway is a secure communication channel between a professional and a patient, which offers the patient views and instructions for various treatment phases as well as self-care and rehabilitation programs. The digital care pathway requires a doctor’s referral or a health care relationship.

The digital care pathways include, for example, patient instructions, images and videos as well as various exercises, queries and a tool for monitoring personal health values. The service supplements traditional care and appointments. The digital care pathway can be duplicated and tailored for various patient groups.

Health Village PRO 

Health Village PRO is a service designed for professionals in the social welfare and healthcare sectors. It supplements the eExpertise of social welfare and healthcare professionals and encourage them to see through to the end of operational changes associated with digital services. Furthermore, it prompts healthcare professionals to adopt new approaches at work.

The service consists of virtual hubs, online training courses and digital service tools, support for operational and functional change, guides for individual specialisations and an expert search tool. Courses include also training of health care professionals to drive digital chage in their organization and using of digital tools in customer servide.